Invasive Plant

Purple deadnettle

Lamium purpureum

About This Species

Purple deadnettle (Red deadnettle, Purple archangel) is a short herbaceous plant that can survive as an annual or biennial. It was introduced from its native range of Europe and Asia. A single plant can produce thousands of seeds which remain viable in the soil for several years. It can also spread via stem and root fragments. Purple deadnettle thrives in a range of soil types from dry to moist and is frequently observed in lawns, waste areas, and gardens. 

How to Identify

Purple deadnettle is a short plant that grows up to 30 cm tall, with square stems that can look like a dusty purple carpet from afar.  

It has small pink flowers from March-May that bloom in the crease where the leaves meet the stem (these are called axillary flowers).  

It leaves are hairy, oval to heart shaped, smaller and deep purple/plum coloured towards the top, fading to green and larger towards the base of the stem.  

Credit: J Hallworth


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Learn about best practices

Prevent the spread of this plant – never purchase or plant this species. If you have an infestation, focus efforts on continued mowing/cutting of the plant just prior to flowering to reduce seeding.

A few non-invasive alternatives to plant instead of Purple deadnettle include:

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